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A library of audiovisual studies and references that explore the relationship between sound and motion graphics.

Hzwatches (pronounced swatches) is an ongoing series of animations that explores the power of transmodal interpretation between visual composition, animation, and sound design.


This project is my effort to demonstrate a methodology I utilise as a Systems Creative, of which I refer to as Hybrid Fundamentalism. Each video loop focuses on the implication of distinct rules and phenomena which are then highlighted or augmented by drawing parallels between the fundamentals of sound design, visual composition, and animation. The name of this project is taken from both Hertz (denoting sound frequency) and swatches (denoting visual samples) to signify the core purpose of this project - to catalogue these studies and establish an open source reference library of multimodal production formulas.


Hzwatches is a rolling production strand, and each Hzwatch, complete with the details on the formulas that underpin each study can be found in the gallery below.

Hzwatches was designed using
Making Sense®, a toolkit that supports the process of Systems Creativity and multimodal design.

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